M-ticket examples

Intercom M-ticketing solution based on SMS, MMS and WAP technologies. The principle is very simple. When you buy a ticket on the Internet and entering your phone number, barcode ticket will be sent to your phone, which is your M-ticket.
Some examples of how the M-tickets looks like and who will use them.
1. Airlines
Intercom Mobile ticket standard Datamatrix is approved by IATA ( International Air Transport Association) which are used extensively in Europe. This is proven technology and can be read by a single scanner type that is cost effective and readily available globally. Intercom M-tickets can also be used successfully for tickets or boarding pass. It is easy to show your ticket for security checkpoints and boarding. Tickets shall be deemed to be considered the phone, just like barcode on paper ticket - with scanner.
The savings will benefit both the environment and the airline. Estonian-Air uses 800 thousand paper tickets in one year.
2. Cinemas
The world has found widespread use M-tickets in cinemas. The implementation of mobile ticketing at the cinema is not expensive, and does not require different investments. Intercom has ready made solution which can be easily linked to each company own ticketing system. Offer your customers a new and convenient ticketing solution using the M-tickets.
3. Concerts
It is very convenient to buy a ticket on the Internet. More convenient when you can have it delivered straight away. Now it is perfectly possible if you use the M-ticketing solution.
In addition, purchase a ticket barcode will be sent to your mobile phone. There is no concern that the ticket is left behind, because we carry a mobile phone always with as.
4. Vessels
Buying a ticket to the Internet is a relatively daily operation. Some companies send a booking number to your phone. Intercom took service one step further. Now will be sent a ticket barcode directly to your phone, which is very easy to submit in ticket check.
5. Shops
All the major shops can use the service mobile coupon that can be sent to regular customers, allowing a discount. Mobile coupon is very easy to read in the shop with existing laser scanner. Surprise your customers with something new.
6. Mobile ID
Mobile ID is Intercom developed solution where customer picture can be sent to his mobile phone using MMS technology. The prerequisite for this is that there is a service provider customers pictures. You no longer need to carry personal identification, because the mobile ID has your image.